Hey Yo!

Wow it's been awhile since i updated this blog. Guess what? I'm 18th and i'm a law student now. What a pride!

I always believe everything that i believing is real or will be real someday. Maybe my life isn't perfect like others people but i always think my life is perfect when i close with my friends that i think has been like my family. My friendship isn't good because sometimes there are contention but tolerance between us make us loving each other. My life has been one great joke, a dance that's walked a song that's spoke.

If you follow me you'll know, i promise
I will show you in a fantasy like a fairytale

Come on, don't hesitate and grab my hand!

When you first open your eyes you won't believe it...

어느새 계절도 바뀌었죠
하얀 하늘과 파란 구름조각들