Monday, July 5, 2010

16 f Germany

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hey
Stranger: hi
You: 13f indonesia ASL?
Stranger: 16 f germany
You: wow are you from german?
You: I like german football!
You: Muller is cool!
Stranger: thank you theire playing really well at the moment
You: ye haha and i hope german can win!
Stranger: cool we have fans in indonesia
You: Yeah many fans!
Stranger: wow i didnt knew that! Do you play football?
You: no im not good playing football hahaha
Stranger: just like me
Stranger: i play very bad
You: Me too!
Stranger: do you other sports
Stranger: ?
You: yes how about you?
Stranger: to many. nearly every day something
You: Hahahaha it's fun!
Stranger: its a lot of stress
You: 12:00 pm in here
Stranger: in germany we have 19:28
You: what r u doing?
Stranger: at the moment just sitting at the pc. nothing exciting
You: what's your name?
Stranger: Marie and yours
Stranger: ?
You: Monica
Stranger: sounds not very indonesia
Stranger: youre name i mean
You: yup you're right
You: but im real indonesian people :)
Stranger: thats cool. how is it in indonesia?
You: Oh yea I like.Indonesian is tropis
You: Summer every day -_-
Stranger: in germany it is hot at the moment
You: never snow down here
Stranger: id like it to be a bit colder
You: how about german?
Stranger: well very different. in winter it is very cold sometimes(-10) and in summer up to 38
Stranger: at the moment we have 35
You: In indonesia you know?summer everyday
Stranger: everyday as hot as now? god i would die
You: Hahaha not everyday maybe 35 or 25
You: Hot not?
Stranger: very
You: But rain down haha
You: You like living in german?
Stranger: in germany we have too much rain sometimes
Stranger: germany is very beatifull
Stranger: and i love my countrie
You: me too :)
You: im sorry i must sleep
You: Bye nice to see you
Stranger: ok nice to see you


Hahhaa gua sok-sok suka bola gitu wekeekee

Nice to see you Marie.I hope we can met soon :p

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