Sunday, October 17, 2010


I’ve realized in life there will always be HATERS.
I used to get mad at all the people that hated on me, but I’ve realized that HATERS make the world go round…
well they make my world go round!

I say this because it takes a lot of work to be hater. I used to think it was easy, but after a lot of thought into what it takes to hate on someone I’ve realized it takes more work being a hater than it does to just do stuff to be hated on!

Hating on myspace, facebook and now twitter is the easy way to broadcast your hating skill

Yep that’s right, hating is a skill…

Now, for all the people that have HATERS
If they are on any of the above social networking sites make sure you make it a little easier for them to see the good in your life.

So I want to give a shout out to all of my haters and I want to
Thank you for your all support
and for thinking my life was important enough to consume your life with knowing every detail of mine…

“I love my HATERS! Where are my HATERS? I need them.”

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