Monday, July 5, 2010

14 m nz

Okay sekarang jam setengah 12 malem ya sesuai dugaan gua kalo omegle malem malem pasti orangnya baik baik deh kalo siang2 pada jahat -__- wekee itu cuma pendapat gua gak usah dipikirin.check it out

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hi asl?
Stranger: 14 m nz
Stranger: wbu?
You: 13 F indonesia here
You: are you from new zealand?
Stranger: yea lol
You: hahaha cool
Stranger: yea lol its frezing
Stranger: hbu?
You: Wow in Indonesia temperature is hot
You: 20-35 decreese
Stranger: yea it must be like 0 degreese here lol
Stranger: tho it is 4 in the morning
You: Oh God I can Freeze
You: very cld
You: *cold
Stranger: yea very cold lol
Stranger: what time is it over thea?
You: 23:00 pm Lol
You: how about there?
Stranger: 4 am lol
You: morning?
Stranger: yea lol
You: hahahahaa
You: what's ur name?
Stranger: caleb wbu?
You: monic :)
You: are you happy living in nz?
Stranger: ha awsome name :)
Stranger: yea nz rox ae
You: thank you.You too :)
Stranger: i love it
Stranger: lol shot
You: hahahhaa
Stranger: wbu?
You: yea i love indonesia
Stranger: well thats good
You: Beautifull country :)
You: yup :D
Stranger: lol same with nz its awsome
You: I think yes haha
You: in Indonesia never snow down here
You: summer everyday with rainy -__-
Stranger: yea it should were i live but it doesnt
Stranger: same lol
You: really?
Stranger: yea but thats cos i live down south
Stranger: it can be sunny but cold
You: wew cool :)
Stranger: yea lol
You: You have facebook account?
Stranger: um yeap sure do
You: what's ur e-mail?
You: wait
You: Done
You: i was added you
You: my name Sonia Monica
Stranger: accepted lol
You: thank you hehe
Stranger: lol alg
You: yup okay nice to see you
You: bye caleb :)
You: we can talk later
Stranger: ok cya nice talking to you x
You have disconnected.
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Dan akhirnya gua yang disconected HOHO ya seperti biasa gua sok sokan memuji gitu.udah gitu gua sok jbjb banget ya minta FB segala -____-
Nice to see you caleb
TYSM udah nemenin gua malem malam wakaaaa

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