Thursday, October 14, 2010

Boy & Girl Conversation

Girl: Which is more important to you, your life or me?
Boy: Before i answer that, let me ask you first
Girl: Sure..
Boy: Is there a difference between you and my life?

Girl: Random question but what's your biggest wish?
Boy: I dunno, What's yours?
Girl: To be kissed in the middle of the street in the pouring rain..
Boy: I can make that come true...

Girl: Tell me how much you love me..
Boy: Look up at the sky..
Girl: Stop changing the subject..
Boy: Just look...
Girl: *looks up at the sky* What Am I doing?
Boy: Now count the stars in the sky...
Girl: But that's impossible...
Boy: So is me explaining my love for you...

1 comment:

  1. Girl: Random question but what's your biggest wish?
    Boy: I dunno, What's yours?
    Girl: To be kissed in the middle of the street in the pouring rain..
    Boy: I can make that come true...

    OMG :""") cute
