Monday, November 1, 2010

Welcome November Good Bye October


Hopefully this month will be okay and i don't know why i think i will miss October
Although i don't know why other people hate October. Ask why?
I think October have many memory although the memory is bad or good
Yeah i have a many bad memory and many bad luck
But I love it

Aha i just realized 01-11-10 nice date although not take effect in my life hehe. And as you know i write this at home yeah today i'm just at home and not school. I'm not truant guys, i'm sick. Now, i feel better and must rest during 1 week. I really really want to school! I miss my school hehe but i must rest at home. Do you know rest during 1 week make me bored, cause of that i'm bloging.

"Bye October i'll miss you but life must go on"

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