Saturday, February 4, 2012

Congrats Teen Top!

YEEAAAAH FINALLY! Congratulations for the emotional Teen Top band yeah its Teen Top!

Music Bank Winning Speech
Chunji: "Yes, ah. First of all, we are really thankful to our CEO Lee Jaehong, Director Kim Taesin, Andy hyung, Minkyung noona, Jihye noona, and Sungmi noona. Thank you."
Niel: "And Jongsung hyung and Sungman hyung, we thank you so much. And thank you to Brave Brothers for giving us such a great song. And thank you, Freemind hyungs who made us such a great choreography. Stylist Hwewon noona, Heeran noona, and…hair! Dokyung hyung, thank you so much. We love our family so much. And Angels, thank you so much. And thank you to the singers who are standing on stage with us right now."

Teen Top has finally reached the top and won for the first time their mutizen award for ranking first in the KBS "Music Bank" K-Chart. This is the first time since their debut to receive first place trophy on a music program.

Top Media didn't cheat just to let Teen Top win. So, Angels must be proud of them :)

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