Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Coffee Prince Parody by Boyfriend

Youngmin:뭐야 넌?(Who are you??)너 괜찮니?(are you okay?)

Minwoo:배고파요.(I’m Hungry)

youngmin: 버림받은 강아지 같네 꼭(You look like a puppy that was abandoned) 가자 밥 줄게(Lets go grab something)

Donghyun: 왔어?(you here) 뭐야? 그건? (What that? that(referring to minwoo)

Youngmin: 어?(huh?) 주웠어(found him)

Donghyun: 주웠어(you picked)

Youngmin: 너 알바생 필요 하다 했지?(You say you need a part-time worker right?)

Donghyun: 난 원산지 불분명한건 안 써.(I do not hire someone who was not sure their background.

Youngmin: 사희 지도층의 자선사업이라 생각해.(just think of it as a charity)내 얼굴 봐서. (look at me/trust me)

Donghyun: 너 잘하는 게 뭐야?(What are you good at?)

Minwoo: 저 춤 진짜 잘 춰요.( I’m really a good dancer)

Donghyun: 여기 카페 야 그걸 어디에다 써. (This is cafe, It writen down somewhere)

Youngmin: 한번 보기나 하자 궁금하잖아.( lets see, i’m curious)

Jungmin: 뭐야 이 girl~은 내 스타일인데~(what a girl~ this is my style(my type))

Hyunseong:형님 girl은 무슨 걸 사내고만 맞지?(Hyung girl? He’s a guy right?)

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