Sunday, July 18, 2010

I wanna find someone for me.

I hope that I’ll find someone who really loves me, and cherishes me. Someone who really knows who I am. What I’ve became, and what I’ve been through. Someone who I can be myself with; someone who will be themselves when with me. I want someone that has alot in common with me, so we can relate. I would love to have someone who I can hug without them having issues. I want someone who I’ll be able to share my secrets with. Someone who I’ll get close with, so close that we’re practically known each other our whole lives.

Someone who’ll accept themselves for who they are, and are happy with their lives, and let go of there past. Someone who doesn’t regret; loving and sweet. Someone who is fun, and have a good sense of humor. Someone who can single-handly win me over. Without hesitation. Without fear.

From : fuckyeahlove

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