Sunday, September 19, 2010

1st day School

3 weeks have passed and today is Sunday. So what that mean?
Tomorrow is MONsterDAY and that mean tomorrow is my first school after holiday. I felt yesterday i had just holidays. Whether the holiday was too fast or the earth was rotates too fast? idk. Honestly.............i feel this holiday isn't special like years ago. I don't know why but it just my feel.

AHA that's human weakness!!
You and me. We're not grateful for life. It means we don't have thanks to God. God is always kind and loves us. But what we do? We never thanks to God.
Whether every morning you ever thankful for the breath? I don't think so. In one day God gave breath 24 hours for us. And FREE!!
If you read this i hope you can give a little time to communicate to God. If you do so wholeheartedly, im sure your life will change?
Trust me just do that your life will change

So let's prepare your book for school. Don't complain again.

Happy Sunday God bless you :)

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