Sunday, September 19, 2010

Dear Non Asian People

Please read this

1. We do not understand the words “ching chong”.
2. Not all Koreans make nuclear bombs or eat dogs.
3. Just cause you see an Asian person it doesn’t mean they’re Chinese, they could be Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese, Filipino, Indonesian etc.
4. We are not all communists.
5. Asian girls with long black hair HATE being called The Grudge or the girl from The Ring8. Same goes for Asian guys and being called Grudge boy.
6. We don’t use THAT much M.S.G.
7. Don’t ask us to speak our language, we will when we feel like it.
8. We don’t know how to translate your name so stop asking cause most likely we can’t.
9. Don’t ask us to teach you curse words either.
10. Stop trying to pair up Asian guys and girls at your school and say they look cute together. Not all Asians belong together.
11. All Asian countries speak different languages.
12. Just because we’re Asian it doesn’t mean that we know karate, kung fu, tae kwon do etc. Even though we are probably capable of kicking your a** anyway.
13. Don’t say all Asian people look the same, that’s like saying all white people look the same, all African Americans look the same and all Hispanics look the same.
14. Not all Asians are short guys.
15. Or skinny.
16. Just to let you know, it’s NOT funny when you tape your eyes up and start speaking gibberish. That just gives us another reason to kick your a**.
17. It’s ok for us to call each other F.O.B’s but if you call us one you’re asking for a beating.
18. Yeah we eat rice, and what? ( and of course not with soy sauce -___- )
19. Just because we’re Asian, doesn’t mean we speak broken English. For example: “Oh U KNOW AH, DIS BOIBOI AH. VELI DE HOTHOT WAN.” Not. Funny.

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